Used Cooking Oil (UCO) – ISCC Certified

Used Cooking Oil (UCO) – ISCC Certified

Formulated for:

Used Cooking Oil (UCO) – ISCC Certified

Product Composition

Oil of vegetable origin, intended for the production of biofuel.

Composition %
Myristic Acid 0.60
Palmitic Acid 29.20
Stearic Acid 4.10
Oleic Acid 39.30
Linoleic Acid (Omega 6) 22.50
Linolenic Acid (Omega 3) 1.60
Arachidic Acid 0.50
DPA 2.20
TOTAL 100.00
AGI 66.10
AGS 33.90
AGI:AGS 1.94
Moisture Max. 2.00
MIU 2.00
AGL Max. % oleico 10.00
Peroxides Max. Meq/Kg 4.00
EMA Poultry 0-2 Weeks 8,800
EMA Poultry over 2 Weeks 8,900



Physical State Liquid
Color Dark Yellow
Odor Oily
pH Value 5.0 – 6.5
Initial Boiling Point 210°C
Melting Temperature 25 – 28°C
Flash Point 305°C
Auto-Ignition Temperature 340°C
Explosion Limits (Vol %) not known
Density (g/cm3) 0.91 – 093 at 20°C
Viscosity (Engler) 25° / at 50°C mm2/s
Water Solubility Immiscible, Emulsifiable
Humidity + Volatiles < 1.50%
Free Acidity 5-15% (Oleic Acid)


Store the product in a container suitable for liquids free of water leaks in dry, ventilated places avoiding direct sunlight to avoid degrading the quality of the product.

In bulk, in iso tanks or tank trucks.

The product should be used within 6 months after its manufacturing date.
